At times some markets many not be as active as others. A quick reference is to look to the left dashboard which shows the 24 hour volume along with price change for that coin. If you see 0% this means there has been no price change.
Step 1 - Select the market you wish to trade in
Step 2 the market you selected should bring you to the following page
Step 3- The orders on the left side are buy orders in the market book with users setting orders on what price they hope to purchase the coin from (If there are 0 orders on the left this means there are currently no buyers in the market)
Please note: The market is determined by the users on our platform, we do not wash trade so you will not see fake orders in the book provided by us like you do on many exchanges today.
If you wish to place a buy order for a certain coin you can do so by having the Buy button selected and you can either manually enter how many coins you want to buy and at what price or you can simply select the % of your portfolio that you wish to use to buy.
If you wish to buy at a price that is already in the order book you can click on that order in the order book and it will automatically generate into the middle section for you and you can adjust the amount you wish to buy at that price.
Step 4- In this next image I have selected the 4th order in the buy side order book to auto generate into the middle
Step 5- You can follow these same steps on the sell side. I have included an image below that shows I've selected the Sell option in the middle and chose to sell at the same price as the second order in the order book. Remember you can also always enter the amount and price manually, or adjust the price based on your available portfolio balance
Step 6- If you placed a trade on the sell side now you just have to sit back and wait for another user to purchase that coin at the price you placed in the order book. If you placed a trade on the buy side you will need to wait for another user to want to sell you the coin for the price you placed to buy it for in the order book.
Step 7- If you placed a sell order or a buy order and wondering why it has not executed please make sure to look at the order book. The following is an example of a market that has only 1 sell order in the market order book and has 0 buy orders. This means that the market is live on our platform however no users are active in the buying or selling much of this specific coin and you will have to wait for more active users to become available.